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Residential building in the center of Prague

We mapped a residential building with a floor area of about 2500 m2.
2 500 m2
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Detailed description

We chose the 3D laser scanning method for the interior and exterior of the building in the center of Prague. The scanning was carried out from the basement to the eighth floor. We used this method to comprehensively target the entire building.

Creation of the 3D model

The actual scanning work was carried out with two static scanners. Here we used our new addition Trimble X9, which has a high level of automation (self-calibration, auto-horizontation, self-registration, ...). In addition, the Trimble X7 scanner was used to complete the scans indoors and possibly in shaded areas outdoors. The obtained point clouds were programmatically processed and digitized in Autodesk Revit software. The resulting drawings (views, sections, and floor plans) were produced from the 3D model.

Objectives and benefits

Our goal was to collect data at the required accuracy and density to create a 3D model. The data was collected using laser scanning with two static scanners, a Trimble X9, and a Trimble X7, ensuring high data accuracy and sufficient density of the resulting cloud for processing the 3D model. Creating a complete 3D model using laser data allows for a permanent record of the interior, an attractive presentation, or an analysis of the space for further planning or renovation.

Graphical advantages

  • detection of detailed features and general geometry of objects
  • object orientation with high precision
  • high speed and results retrieval when required
  • Detailed surveying
  • better orientation and imagination for the customer (dealing with changes in the project)
  • presentation visualization of the object as a whole
  • the suitable basis for design and modeling
  • realization of sections at any location and level of detail
  • possibility to generate 2D drawings

Non-graphical advantages

  • possibility of connection to facility management (use by the investor)
  • simple and quick spreadsheets, statistics

Technologies used

Trimble X7

The high-speed scanning station is the latest innovative solution in mapping, engineering, and surveying that provides data visualisation directly in the field. Fully integrated 3D scanning functions form its basis. It allows for data to be exported to standard point cloud formats.
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Ing. Miroslava Kubíčková

Expert consultant in the field of mapping, LiDAR, photogrammetry, UAV/UAS, 3D models, and BIM

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